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Penalty for dying and leveling up

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:10 pm
by LoB
I remember just recently it has been discussed that dying carries too big a penalty and some suggestions were put forward how to reduce it and make game more enjoyable. The only built in mechanism was supposed to be that people lvl up much faster with high levels around so that losing a ship in mid-game is not such a huge deal as you level up faster and can get back into the game quickly.

In trying to keep it short, I've noticed that low levels deal negligible amount of damage, tiny repairs to higher levels and so even at points 3x dmg dealt they effectively only get the fixed bonus. (And for reppers with no enemies present that's 0). Whereas high levels hitting medium levels deal tons of damage and even with penalties applied still gain more points than low levels and so the gap increases. This feels as a 2nd death punishment. Firstly you lose all the points you accumulated, but then you also gain points slower.

I think this needs to be looked at, as we look for solution to the death problem. I died at lvl3, then at lvl3 again and now I've reached lvl3 again and now i'm 30k points (half a cruiser) away from the top pilots.

Re: Penalty for dying and leveling up

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 7:12 pm
by LoB
p.s. How long, from your experience, does a game need to last, so that a player who died at lvl5 can get a capital ship before the end of the game?

Re: Penalty for dying and leveling up

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:11 am
by ecvej
iceblink died tick 65 at nearly level 5 and by tick 113 he's already level 4. Therefore looks like it could take 70 ticks to get to level 5 so maybe 140 for cruiser but it depends if you get enough to shoot / good bombing opportunities.

Think the death punishment will be looked at and happy to look at the scoring system at some point.

Re: Penalty for dying and leveling up

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:17 am
by whykt
I think two or three levels down is a less harsh death penalty. Or someone has suggested points redistribution to the rest of the legion, which is interesting.