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New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:14 pm
by Anakin
EwokDude wrote:
How about if you get killed by a shot scoring no points then you retain your current score when you respawn as an alternative to the current well intentioned but misguided attempt to reduce bunnying.
Best remark i've seen all thread 8-) The only problem i see with that is that high levels might take the first big chunks off and then the lower levels will finish the job -> still all points lost. And suicide scanning near HW could still happen this way (though like Demolition said, you could use cloakers for that now). But all in all this is a good idea!
I agree with this as a solution to Anakin's issue.
Add no kill to the shooter too.. if it`s above the 3 lvl difference.

So, for this rule to be changed we need at least 3 options:

1. If you get killed by a shot scoring no points then you retain your current score when you respawn as an alternative. - no penalty other than a free trip to your respective HW, which you would end up doing anyway (but in this case you don`t lose points for being too low a level) - as was pointed out earlier in the thread.. you can end up in a sort of an impossible scenario: A high level shoots one and gets the target almost to zero, with a low level shooting for kill and reset points.

1.a. If you get killed by a shot scoring no points then you lose half your points as an alternative - adds consequences of repeated suiciding, while still keeping SOME points - I personally like this more, due to the added "responsability" for a player in general.

A counter argument to this would be the following: a lvl 1 is normally not a target. If the ship is out of position, it STILL needs a ship "within range" to get reset. A fair penalty for playing "Rambo". It already has a slight advantage: not lose points in certain circumstances as opposed to everyone else losing points in any :)

A second counter argument as pointed by Islander, would be that high levels shoot to red, then low levels finish. Well, 2 things: First = if the high level gets a lucky roll, then the bunny dies and puts it in the point 1 situation or in the following situation:
Islander wrote:In my opinion, L1s should retain their points while L2s should be reset to 4k points.
Re-spawning pilots should also be given a choice, as some may want to change their stats or ships (which resets them back to 0 points).
- which is a no loss for the bunny. - rule working as intended

Second: if any ship within range shoots and kills, it was in the position to do it regardless, with all the consequences: for the bunny: out of position or outside the blob, in which case he deserved it.. for the shooter: either wasting shots and points on a low level, when the current high level target nets more, or being in the position to shoot anyway.

Might not be perfect and STILL leaves one way of "exploiting", but it is far better than the -1500 per shot alternative and it actually protects the said bunny, rather than penalize the shooter.

Jhyphi disagrees with the bunny keeping all the points and proposes an alternative which can be found at the bottom of the post in quote. Added variant of option one to reflect new proposal.

2. No points of any sort are given for a shot on a ship more than 3 levels lower - so there is no reason to shoot other than legit strategical situations. Also no kill awarded as per the following point. As per above reason... if you do get a bunny7 on purpose... it is a high enough level that points are not lost and you only lose the turns needed to rejoin blob.. which are easy with auto - pilot

3. No kill is awarded to the shooter if the ship is more than 3 levels higher - no kill count increase.. self explanatory. No "bragging", or "kill-count".. no reason to shoot other than strategical situations, or bunny on purpose, which is covered in the above 2 other points


Other ideas:
LoB wrote:Alternative solution: Suppose low level ships are "smaller" or say "less armed, so don't show up well on radar". So there's a chance that you might completely miss it. Say if lvl difference is 3 there is 50% chance to miss, and 75% if lvl difference is 4. Missed shots do no damag...
redken wrote:3) Have any pilot who has there ship destroyed by a 0 point scoring shot respawn at there homeworld and be able to select a new ship.
4) Once they have chosen the ship they want they should have the point score at the point they were destroyed returned to them and if that point score is greater the 4000 then they should be able to level up before they take their moves as per the usual level up procedure.
Demolition wrote:IMO, it would be much easier to implement it as it was before... 1500 for the kill not 1500 for every shot.
We are trying to find ways of not penalizing the shooter, but rather protect the "bunny", as it was intended.
Jhyphi wrote:I think there should be a rule that if there are no other enemy ships in the sector that are non-bunnies, then you can shoot them for no points.

Re: Anakin's solution of sending them back to base with ALL points intact, I disagree. Maybe take off half the points (or 1k, something) so that the ship can't repeatedly do it with no consequence.

You should learn not to sit in the middle of the enemy's fleet without any other team backup. If you don't know this concept from any other video game, then you shouldn't be playing. It's common sense.

Alternatively propose modifications in such a way that they do not penalize shooting. I will update / tweak as needed.

[EDIT]Also, please post ANY way of exploiting / using this as not intended, or any limitation that brings to regular gameplay, or ANY scenario, as wild as it can get (but within gameplay possibility), in which this rules does / will not work as intended or having unforseen effects.

[EDIT # 2]Added comments and modified opening post to reflect opinions and suggestions... I will skip comments that agree with what was said and add new rules or tweak rules if they are presented. Feel free to add suggestion or correct me. Here or in PM, as long as the message gets there...

[EDIT # 3]I added Jhyphi`s idea and disagreement with the dead keeping the points.. will try to merge into less clogged ideas when I wake up later today.

[EDIT # 4]color coded for what is still up, what was voted out and what is in question. Green is up, dark red is no longer actual and bright red are mentions or negative feedbacks.

Re: New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:19 am
by Islander
Even before anti-bunny hunting measures took place, no points were already given to those shooting more than two levels below. I don't think anybody complained about that. Kill count should also not reflect those killed more than two levels below... nobody is complaining about that either.

In my opinion, L1s should retain their points while L2s should be reset to 4k points.
Re-spawning pilots should also be given a choice, as some may want to change their stats or ships (which resets them back to 0 points).

The only loophole I see here is L4/L5s shooting and then letting lower levels finish the job.

Re: New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:55 am
by EwokDude
Islander wrote:The only loophole I see here is L4/L5s shooting and then letting lower levels finish the job.
Even that loophole is better than Anakin's proposed solution.

Re: New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:46 am
by redken
It has always been the case that a level 4 shooting a level 1 receives no points and a level 5 shooting a level 1 or 2 receives no points.

I think other have expressed this elsewhere, but I think we should
1) Revert back to old points rule for shooting bunnies have and the -1500 points per shot rule removed.
2) Remove the award of a kill to pilots destroying an enemy and receiving no points for it.
3) Have any pilot who has there ship destroyed by a 0 point scoring shot respawn at there homeworld and be able to select a new ship.
4) Once they have chosen the ship they want they should have the point score at the point they were destroyed returned to them and if that point score is greater the 4000 then they should be able to level up before they take their moves as per the usual level up procedure.

I agree that high level ships could severely damage a L2 then leave it for lower level ships to finish off, but this is most likely in the situation of a low level ship that has gone inactive. The situation where an active low level ship would be killed in this way are likely quite limited. These changes wouldn't eliminate bunnying, but they would make it less annoying to get killed. I think it is better to reward the bunny that punished the bunnyhunter as does the bunny really care if the person who killed them loses 1500 points they are just pissed off because it will take them at least 3 turns to level back up to level 2.

Re: New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:49 pm
by LoB
I have posted a suggestion on how to remove non-strategic bunnying, while keeping strategic bunnying (for scans/ base regen) possible, but potentially less demoralizing for a bunny as she/he now stands a chance to ruin life for big ship in a slightly different way. (Also if fog of war stays the way it is, new strategic opportunities involving bunnies could present themselves).

Re: New anti-bunny rule proposal

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:40 pm
by Demolition
IMO, it would be much easier to implement it as it was before... 1500 for the kill not 1500 for every shot.

Then Anakin would only QQ if he got the killing blow.