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Damaged ships

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:24 pm
by Guardsmon
I'm liking the new 3 moves to hyper, but after talking to Faulcon I think it was I started to realise that cloakers seemed to have gained the most out of it and started to think how else you could use this.

Sorry i made the title and then decide to put all my other thoughts in

1. Damaged ships can't move as easily/at all. (I know this means more easy kills and people don't escape on almost no health but its more realistic)

If a ship gets below 20% health it requires +1 move to hyper
below 10% +2 moves

(was going to suggest below 5% = can't hyper, but I know the response I'd get).

2. New Scan pickup: +5 moves for current turn

3. Bombers could use 3 moves and drop "nuke" when bombing planets.

This could do more damage than 3 separate attacks, but would mean that they can't jump in, bomb and then leave.

4. Reppers can do the same as above, but rep and can only target 1 ship. (3 or 5 moves)

5. Option to roll over moves to next turn.

You must activate it the turn before and only 2 moves can roll over and all 5 moves are used to do this.

Basically an alternative to pickups. This give the advantage to fighters who might be about to defend but are just waiting for incoming. Means the aggressors need to be more careful.

6. Fighters have EMP weapon.

Uses 5 moves and takes -1 move from all enemy ships in the sector. This is aimed at helping the team more than the individual. (Possibly only avaliable on cruisers? and it could not affect some ships?)

7. Dying ships suicide.

Ships below 20% can use all 5 moves to denote causing a small amount of collateral damage to all enemy ships in the sector and not giving the kill away. (Aware this is not the best idea and would be harder to program)

Re: Damaged ships

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:58 pm
by iceblink
Nice thoughts, but a bit too revolutionary maybe?

1. I agree it is realistic, but I don't think it is fun. You are going to get serious complaints about this one. Imagine someone keeping 3 moves, then being shot below 20% and not being able to get out. People are going to get very frustrating. The only way you could do this is to determine at the start of a tick how damaged a ship is, and fix the amount of moves needed at that time.

2. Too powerful. We already have a free attack, and sometimes you find 2 in one tick. That is powerful enough, in my opinion. Maybe start with one extra move (so not a free move but an *extra* move) and see how that goes?

3. I like that idea, variations are possible. (Bombers can pick up a megabomb at their HW, flying with the big bomb takes 4 moves instead of 3, or ship speed decreases, and maybe a big bang in sector when such a ship carrying a big bomb is detroyed, damaging friend and foe?

4. See 3. Variations can be thought up with scrap, ships docking in Carriers for repairs, etc.

5. This is a huge contradiction in your points 3 and 4 and 1? It could be a sort of realistic thing to do: ships hiding or 'digging in' which increases their defenses and takes moves. But it would also make attacks much more difficult, and there is already a shortage of good fights...

6. Taking away 1 move would make it a very powerful weapon, too powerful in my opinion. And why would it only hurt the enemies? Wouldn't it realistically also hurt the good guys? Maybe some ships have defenses against it?

7. Dying ships very rarely have 5 moves left. It would be fun to have a kamikaze option though, where you used 1(?) move to steer your ship onto 1 other ship and do a lot of damage to that 1 ship.

Re: Damaged ships

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:37 am
by Guardsmon
I don't see why suggestion 5 is a contradiction to the previous posts, but they were all single thoughts and the idea that others would consider one or two is nice :)

You are certainly correct some of the numbers need changing and I knew when I posted number 1 that I would have a lot of people moaning, but if no one says anything then things don't progress :)

My new thought for the day is something that I believe to be a little more realistic to implement.

7. Change of Legion once HW dies

Once the players homeworld dies they have the option for the next 16 ticks to change their legion. If they select to change they will then be randomly put into one of the remaining legions with their current ship intact (maybe -1 level, but I don't think this is needed). I they don't choose to change they can work in their original legion for 16 ticks before they are set to rogue.

This people to oppotunity to work and play together for a little longer but not leave old legions flying around the place late into the game. It also gives those that want to help toward the end game a choice to be more helpful and don't end up quitting as they can't be bothered to level up again.

Re: Damaged ships

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:06 am
by iceblink
7: the legion that kills the 1st HW is then punished because most players will want revenge and choose to be with one of the other legions?

Re: Damaged ships

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:00 pm
by Guardsmon
They can't choose which legion though because they are randomly put into one as the system does at the start of the game.

Re: Damaged ships

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:57 pm
by iceblink
ah ok, I didnt read properly