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Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:38 pm
by ecvej
There you go, took 5 minutes and it's changed

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:11 am
by Demolition
webtobi wrote:I agree that bombers are way too strong and predominant by now... but I totally disagree with blaming the bors for any boredom... we've been leading most of the time, but only because no other legion really has put up a fight! And there was no agreement with the jax at all! In contrary, we flew there, shoot their base, they came chasing, so we went for PK... pretty normal in my opinion ^^
You cant honestly expect us to believe that a legion with half the bors points pushed the bors out of ajaxus can you? We're not that dumb, sorry :)

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:22 am
by Fwiffo
Demolition wrote:
webtobi wrote:I agree that bombers are way too strong and predominant by now... but I totally disagree with blaming the bors for any boredom... we've been leading most of the time, but only because no other legion really has put up a fight! And there was no agreement with the jax at all! In contrary, we flew there, shoot their base, they came chasing, so we went for PK... pretty normal in my opinion ^^
You cant honestly expect us to believe that a legion with half the bors points pushed the bors out of ajaxus can you? We're not that dumb, sorry :)
No, they didn't push us out. We jumped them for high damage and killed PiggyCape. It was all a part of our grand plan with the Jax to kill the Krills.

The reason we didn't jump right back in was because the Jax had a carrier already, and heading around to PK was the easier way to get several more capital ships of our own. Why the Jax decided to go to Tibrar instead of threatening Boraxus was as much a mystery to us as it was to you.

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:03 am
by Demolition
And you hypered out of PK now because our menacing lvl 1s are too much for your 5 cruisers?


Finish the job and end the game for petes sake, this is soo boring.

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:16 am
by Lethal Lordz
The Boraxions know what they are doing and have played very well this game.

I'm just annoyed with the stupid Ajaxions! Why would you go to Tibrar instead of Boraxus? (please, some smurf explain this!) If the Jax moved quick enough they could have put Boraxus into the red, instead they let the Bors get even stronger and let their base regen a bit more.

Ajaxions for the Gimp award!

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:27 am
by Demolition
Well yea, at first I thought the 3 cruisers had just missed the jump. They where just enough to finish HW. I am happy to see the bors are finally starting to end the game. its been over for awhile now its good to see it progressing towards a new round.

The bors have played well I must admit the 16 man hypers where pretty impressive. I just wish the jax had been more agressive this rounds as we may have been able to put up a fight together.

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:53 am
by Lethal Lordz
Fwiffo So you smelly Bors didn't jump back into Ajaxus because they had a 1carrier? (scary stuff that) I thought what a nice ending to the game, the Bors will jump back into Ajaxus and have a epic fight and crush the smurfs.. and leave the two weaker legions to have their own little battle until getting crushed also. So every one gets to have some fun before the game ends. But nooooooo, the Bors with all their might and fire power DON'T jump back in to the blue planet and go for a piss easy PK (just because its easier to get capital ships ;) ) Very soft in my opinion, very very soft. But when your the strongest legion you can do as you please unfortunately. Then the really smart Ajaxions go for Tibrar.. what a great ending to a fantastic game..

p.s mainly annoyed because i didn't get my cruiser and now cant bomb Boraxus with Ice while the game ends :P

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:53 pm
by Clementus
Looking forward to seeing how the bombing "nerf" kicks in next game. Thoroughly enjoyed playing the harass the Boraxians game this one.. and was impressed with the Krils cloaker teams which could have been lethal if worked a little more as a team :)

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:59 pm
by the_hero
I think the game changer was the battle in 81103 with us and the Bors.

Was a good battle until the Jax came in and bors retreated back to hq.

We should have come and attacked you in Boraxus

We could see you had a lot of bombers around turn 100 but didnt act on it - should have NAPd with someone to take your bombers out.

Now you're not being as ruthless as I would want a dominant legion to be :P :P :twisted:

Re: Why didnt the Bors fight the Jaxs?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:26 am
by Islander
For the record, I'm Ajax and I was at Boraxus when the Bors were killing PK...
Unfortunately, I'm only a cloaker and only managed to damage my ship after firing a triple at a decoy. :P

Honestly I lost all hope after Piggycape missed the jump out of SC. I think LC also resigned after that.
So, I don't think this was a grand conspiracy at all, just plain lack of hope/comms/activity.

More importantly, why did the Bors+Tibs quit bombing Ajaxus when they got it down to half health, AND killed a cruiser-bound Jax bomber?
Seems the Bors took the safe route, and dragged this beta along forever!